September 19th, 2022
Dear Good Shepherd Family,
I submitted my resignation to Mya Solem (Good Shepherd’s Council President) September 18th.
Letters of resignation are a part of life. Yet reading such an opening line from someone from the church where you worship under the Word of God may be somewhat unsettling. I imagine you have several questions swirling around your head and a few feelings may be welling up.
My resignation is not immediate. Jen and I will remain at Good Shepherd for several weeks. Sunday, October 16th will be my last weekend leading worship. My last day in the office will be Tuesday, October 18th.
I want to thank you for allowing me to be your pastor for the past 3 years. The next few weeks will be full of many goodbyes, tears, and celebrations. Your church council, in consultation with Bishop Current and the Southeast Iowa Synod staff, is working out a plan for pastoral coverage at Good Shepherd for after my departure.
Dear people, God loves you. You love each other well. Take care of each other well. And hold fast to the God who, in Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit, loves and always takes care of you.
So, with the deepest love for you, the utmost hope for the missional future of this church, with a lifelong appreciation for a life lived together in grace, and with prayers for the fullest blessing of Christ’s heart upon you, I wish you all the best.
In Christ,
Pastor Travis Segar